Crescent Growth Capital completes the capital stack for projects by integrating tax credit equity with other funding sources.
We secure New Markets Tax Credit allocations and qualify projects for historic tax credits via our in-house historic preservation consulting capabilities, to enable for-profit, not-for-profit and governmental entities to close funding gaps and achieve a financial closing for their project.
Through the use of tax credit financing structures designed to utilize New Markets Tax Credits, Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits and State Historic Tax Credits, Crescent Growth Capital has since 2008 successfully leveraged some $2.25 billion in tax credit equity in dozens of closings across the nation.

Federal & State
New Markets Tax Credits
Many projects qualify for NMTCs, but far fewer succeed at incorporating them into a financial closing. Crescent’s principals have spent the last twenty years cultivating relationships with Community Development Entities; CDEs trust us to show them only projects possessing enough of a community benefit to justify an NMTC allocation.
Historic Preservation & HTCs
Crescent combines in-house historic preservation consulting undertaken on a contingent fee basis with sophisticated financial modeling capabilities and deep knowledge of the tax credit marketplace. We both qualify a client’s project for historic tax credits and precisely model its capital stack to illustrate the anticipated bottom-line subsidy.